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So You Think You Know: Answers

May 31, 2017

False. As long as you only advertise the rate using the term “annual percentage rate” or “APR”, you comply with the Truth in Lending Act. The advertising of annual percentage

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So You Think You Know?

May 31, 2017

Occasionally, we discuss car business things that “everybody knows”. But are they true? Here is a quiz on issues that we hear from dealership personnel “everybody knows”. True or False.

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The Revised FTC Used Car Rule is Now in Effect

April 27, 2017

At the end of last year, we alerted you to the FTC’s revision to the Used Car Rule. The revised Rule does not change the circumstances and method for display

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FTC Bears its Teeth

April 27, 2017

For several years, we have been reminding you that the Federal Trade Commission is a federal agency about which dealers should be particularly concerned. When the Dodd Frank financial reform

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Address the Causes of Personnel Claims

April 27, 2017

In the last decade, the obligations of human resource professionals – those in charge of employee issues – have mushroomed. Your dealership probably has coped with this by assigning office

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Spot Delivery Quiz Answers

March 30, 2017

False. Under common law, once the dealer and the customer sign an agreement for sale of a vehicle, including a retail installment sale contract or a lease, the transaction is

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Spot Delivery – A Quick Quiz

March 30, 2017

Spot delivery continues to be a hot button for federal and state regulators and particularly plaintiffs’ lawyers. To support their opposition, they have labeled all spot deliveries as “yo-yo sales”. 

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CFPB Wins a Battle, But Will it Win the War?

March 30, 2017

At the end of 2016, we wrote about an October 2016 decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.  It found that the Consumer

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Labor Law Developments

February 27, 2017

Supreme Court to Hear Employment Class Action Waiver Dispute As we have previously reported, there is a split in the federal appellate circuits on the validity of arbitration provisions with

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