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The #MeToo Movement and Pay Plans

April 23, 2018

We recently reported on the success of the #MeToo movement in getting a provision in the recent federal tax legislation to prohibit deduction of payments, attorneys fees, and other expenses

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Advertising: Spot the Problem – Answers

March 21, 2018

Under the Truth in Lending Act, any advertisement of interest rate must be for the annual percentage rate or APR, using either form of that term. An advertisement that does

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Advertising: Spot the Problem

March 21, 2018

The Federal Trade Commission shows no sign of slowing down its efforts to police car dealer advertising. How well do you know federal advertising requirements? Identify the specific problem in

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Service-members Civil Relief Act

March 20, 2018

Car dealers have focused on the rights of active duty service members and their dependents because of the December 14, 2017 change in interpretation of regulations on the Military Lending

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Don’t Let CFPB Fumbles Affect Your Compliance Efforts

February 21, 2018

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has had its wings trimmed, but don’t allow that to reduce your emphasis on compliance. The Federal Trade Commission is the cop on the beat

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More Franchise Myths

February 21, 2018

Occasionally, we write about myths in the car business – things that “everybody knows” that are not true. Here are some franchise myths we have been discussing with dealers. My

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18 Thoughts for ’18

January 18, 2018

2017 was a tumultuous year in the car business. In other words it was business as usual. Dealers have become accustomed to coping with major changes. 2018 should not be

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Discrimination and Harassment – A Refresher

January 18, 2018

Dealers have long known of the dangers of lawsuits involving employees contending they have been the victims of discrimination or harassment. However, with today’s unprecedented focus on charges against Hollywood,

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Cyber Crimes: Why You Should Be Very Afraid

November 28, 2017

You want to balance your inventories.  You have twenty more new vehicles than you need.  Another dealer says he wants them.  You do the deal, he picks up the vehicles,

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