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Barrie Update: Court Stops Ban on Non-competes from Going into Effect

September 19, 2024

The FTC’s nationwide rule banning non-competes is set aside, but dealers need to follow state law when it comes to noncompete agreements.

Barrie: It’s Time to Use a Microscope to Examine Your Advertisements

September 19, 2024

Consumers form their first impressions of dealers through advertisements. Majority of a dealers advertise through the internet, allowing dealers’ the ability to change and update their advertising in real time, several times a day. Advertising compliance is critical for not only federal and state regulators but consumers.

Transparency and Talent on the Minds of Automotive Association Leaders

September 17, 2024

Don Hall spent a few days with his counterparts this month in North Carolina. Here’s what they talked about.

VADA Chair Banister on Industry Challenges, Leadership, and Vision for the Future

August 21, 2024

Our interview with VADA’s ’24-’25 chair Dan Banister, a prominent dealer leader out of Hampton Roads.

Why Vigilance is Crucial for the Future of Virginia’s Auto Industry

August 20, 2024

If we aren’t vigilant, the actions of a few could lead to changes that impact us all. My message is this: If this industry isn’t careful, and you don’t pay attention, you will reap what others have sown.

Barrie: It’s Time to Check Employees’ Pay Plans

August 15, 2024

Pay plans can lead either to employee satisfaction or to dissatisfaction. For dissatisfied employees, lawsuits are a possibility with significant liability for the dealership.

Barrie: NLRB’s Expanded Joint-Employer Rule in Action

August 15, 2024

Now that courts have begun to use this rule to classify management companies as joint employers, dealer groups that operate under a common management company must be aware that their liability exposure is significantly increased.

Hireology: Build a Cyber-Secure Future Through Your Hiring Practices

August 2, 2024

August 2, 2024   The automotive industry is undergoing a rapid digital transformation. From inventory management to customer relationship management, technology is the backbone of modern dealerships. However, with increased

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A United Voice in Washington and Richmond for the Retail Auto Industry

July 17, 2024

A Message from VADA President and CEO Don Hall July 2024 This summer marks a pivotal moment for Virginia’s automotive industry as we gear up for an impactful campaign season

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