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Congress Kills the CFPB Arbitration Rule

November 28, 2017

In a great victory for motor vehicle dealers, Congress passed, and the President has signed, a resolution invalidating the CFPB’s regulation on predispute arbitration.Charapp & Weiss represented a group of

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Franchisors are Becoming More Aggressive; What About You?

October 25, 2017

New car dealers are increasingly restive about the aggressiveness of franchisors. Whether it is costly facility or image demands, increasing reliance on stair step incentives with easy disqualifiers, refusals to

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New Information from the FTC on the Used Car Rule

October 25, 2017

In September, the FTC issued a set of questions and answers about the revised Used Car Rule. The Q&A highlights some issues that dealers should understand. OEM Warranty Disclosure Is

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New GM Policy and Why it is Important for All Dealers

September 25, 2017

General Motors has ignited a furor among its dealers with two bulletins issued August 10, 2017. Bulletin 17-12 pertains to use of non-GM parts and accessories and vehicle service contracts,

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Beware Flood Damaged Vehicles

September 25, 2017

The disaster in Texas and Florida understandably consumed the news media recently.  In many shots of the devastation, one can see cars, trucks, and buses partially or fully submerged in

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Arbitration Update

August 23, 2017

We have advised you that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has issued a final regulation that bans class action waivers in predispute arbitration agreements used by finance institutions under its

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Controlled Change

August 23, 2017

Among the tech crowd, disruption is a magic word. It creates an opportunity.  The techies favor disruption because they are the ones that hope to profit from it.  If they

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Used Car Buyers Guide: Dealer Warranty Means Just That

July 26, 2017

We have written extensively about the revised FTC Used Car Rule. The revised rule went into effect January 27, 2017. It prescribes use of a revised buyers guide, although dealers

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CFPB Issues Final Rule Banning Class Action Waivers in Arbitration

July 26, 2017

On Monday, July 10, 2017, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released its final Rule to Ban Class Action Waivers in Predispute Arbitration Provisions.   The Rule is the result of a

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