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Operating in the Cyber World

November 8, 2020

Even before the pandemic, dealers were moving into the cyber world. It was simply a response to how customers were changing their shopping habits. Once the pandemic hit, dealer operations

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SBA and Treasury Issue New PPP Materials and Guidance

October 18, 2020

Recently, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and Treasury issued materials/guidance concerning the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). They are: 1. An SBA Procedural Notice addressing changes of ownership for entities having received

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A Message From Don Hall

October 12, 2020

OCTOBER 2020   Voting on November 3 is more than your Constitutional right. As Americans, and in appreciation for the many who fought for generations to protect that fundamental right,

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Staff Profile: Natalie Toler

October 12, 2020

This is one in a series of profiles of VADA and Integrum Advisors team members. With these profiles, we ask them to share a story – funny, touching, insightful, or

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Be Clear About the Extended Service Agreement Provider

October 12, 2020

In 2017, General Motors created a furor by mandating that dealers use forms containing unprecedented and inflammatory disclosures on use of non-GM parts in repairs of vehicles and sales of

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Keep Copies of Critical Documents

October 12, 2020

We have written repeatedly about the inability of dealers to immediately access copies of documents essential to their businesses. With widespread availability of cloud storage, there is no reason not

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New legal protections for individuals on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions

October 12, 2020

Effective July 1, 2020 are several employment law changes applicable to your business. One is an amendment to the Virginia Human Rights Act that added new legal protections for individuals

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What To Do While Waiting for Indemnification

October 12, 2020

You have been sued in a product liability case along with your franchisor. The plaintiff alleges that he bought a new car from you, you serviced it regularly, and a

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Urgent: Infectious Disease Plan Deadline 7 Days Away

September 18, 2020

As you know, next Friday, Sept. 25 is the deadline for certain employers to implement and train select employees on an infectious disease preparedness and response plan. The plan is among requirements

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