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December 2020 Cox Automotive Sales Forecast

December 30, 2020

 December 22, 2020 Here is a look at December sales and the full year from our friends at Cox Automotive: Sales Pace Continues to Slow as 2020 Stumbles Across Finish

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New Stimulus Package and Dealer Impacts

December 23, 2020

December 23, 2020 Congress has passed, and President Trump is expected to sign, legislation providing additional COVID-19 relief. Here are some of the key provisions dealers should be aware of:

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Latest COVID-19 Updates for Virginia

December 11, 2020

A Message from Don Hall

December 7, 2020

If I had a crystal ball this time last year, and was looking at what 2020 would hold, I never would have believed the year we just experienced. Without question,

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Staff Profile: John Anderson

December 7, 2020

This is one in a series of profiles of VADA and Integrum Advisors team members. With these profiles, we ask them to share a story – funny, touching, insightful, or

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Emerging from the Pandemic: Personnel Development

December 7, 2020

Every dealer understands the demands of today’s workforce have changed. The pandemic caused unprecedented personnel challenge. You have been working hard to keep your dealership staffed, both by satisfying the

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Feds: Bi-weekly Payment Plans Do Not Save Consumers Money

December 7, 2020

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau just announced a consent order with a company that offers bi-weekly payment programs for dealership customers who finance their vehicle purchases. The company sold their

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Get Consent to Congratulate Customers

December 7, 2020

Many dealers use social media postings to congratulate customers. It is an excellent customer relations tool with satisfied buyers and a subtle way to market by letting their friends or

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When Your First Reaction Is to Call the Police…

December 7, 2020

There may be lots of reasons to call the police because of a missing vehicle. A thief stealing it from your lot or an identify thief defrauding you into delivering

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