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Time to Review Your Policies and Procedures on Discrimination and Harassment

August 10, 2020

In June 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a highly publicized ruling that the federal law on equal employment opportunity, known as Title VII, extends to employment decisions based upon

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The Irony for CFPB’s Opponents

August 10, 2020

When the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was created by the Dodd-Frank Act, it was designed to be free from political shifts resulting from changes in Presidential administrations. The bureau was

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DOL Says Manufacturer Direct Payments to Dealer Employees Count Towards Minimum Wage

August 10, 2020

Working through your HR personnel, you must be sure that your sales personnel earn minimum wage for each hour worked. We have written about this often, suggesting you use a

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Virginia COVID-19 workplace safety requirements

August 10, 2020

On July 15, Virginia adopted the nation’s first state-level COVID-19 workplace safety requirements (available here) —formally §16VAC25-220, Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). According to a news release from the Office of

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A Message From Don Hall

July 10, 2020

July 2020   Summer is usually a transition time for our industry. We’re finishing our sales of last year’s models and awaiting inventory of the latest vehicles. Without question, the

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VADA Welcomes New Chairman, Board Members

July 10, 2020

At its June meeting, VADA’s Board of Directors selected Tom Bates of RK Chevrolet as its newest Chairman. Also joining our Executive Committee is Mike Beyer of Beyer Automotive Group

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Growing An Inclusive Sales Force

July 10, 2020

Nick Mumejian was working two jobs to pay for college. He was also attending classes, which made for a tough balancing act. “A friend suggested I take some time off

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Keeping VADA Members Informed

July 10, 2020

Every year, federal and state laws and regulations change, and your VADA Team is committed to ensuring you have the latest information to run a compliant dealership. Our annual Legal

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Staff Profile: Kathie Naylor, Integrum Advisors

July 10, 2020

This is the first in a series of profiles of VADA and Integrum Advisors team members. With these profiles, we ask them to share a story — funny, touching, insightful, or

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