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Dealer Board Approves Additional Background Check Vendors

September 11, 2020

Since Aug. 1, dealers have been responsible for completing the required background checks for initial salesperson licenses through a Dealer Board-approved vendor. As of Sept. 9, six vendors have been

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What Are You Doing to Safeguard Your Customer Data?

September 11, 2020

We have written extensively on customer data protection issues. There has been no hotter issue considered by state legislatures, principally because of passage in California of consumer data rights legislation

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Zurich Helps Dealers Deliver in Digital Environment

September 11, 2020

Many of Virginia’s auto dealers have pushed for transformations in how they operate since the coronavirus pandemic hit earlier this year. A big part of that is driving a greater

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September 11, 2020

This is one in a series of profiles of VADA and Integrum Advisors team members. With these profiles, we ask them to share a story — funny, touching, insightful, or

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A Message From Don Hall

September 11, 2020

SEPTEMBER 2020   Across Virginia and the country, students are going back to school, although in a very different way in many cases. From preschool to college, much of this next

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A Message from Don Hall

August 10, 2020

AUGUST 2020   To beat them at their own game, we need to play on their field. I drive a big SUV. I’ve always liked big cars, and those who

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Sweetie Boy Delivers Helps with Digital Sales

August 10, 2020

Selling more vehicles via online channels is a great way to grow business. But those vehicles sometimes need to get delivered directly to their new owners – who might live

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Yes, you need eye wash stations in your shop.

August 10, 2020

Here’s why. By: Michael Allen, Executive Manager, VADA Group Self-Insurance Association,, 804-545-3012   On occasion, we are asked why our safety recommendations exceed OSHA standards, which are the guidelines

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Staff Profile: Tommy Lukish, VADA

August 10, 2020

This is one in a series of profiles of VADA and Integrum Advisors team members. With these profiles, we ask them to share a story — funny, touching, insightful, or meaningful.

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