Search Results for: message from don hall

A Message From Don Hall

Greetings from VADA, Summer is finally here, and that means our annual Family Convention is right around the corner! We are only a few weeks away from the biggest event

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A Message from Don Hall

Greetings from VADA, I hope you all had a nice Easter with your families and are enjoying this warm, spring weather. Earlier this month, the VADA Executive Committee met to

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A Message from Don Hall

Greetings from VADA, We hope this letter finds you well and that each of you is enjoying the start of Spring! I trust warmer temperatures will be here soon. Earlier

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A Message from Don Hall

Don Hall, President & CEO Anne Gambardella, Esq. Tommy Lukish, Esq. Greetings from VADA, The 2019 Session was a whirlwind of activity with lots of long days spent at the

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A Message from Don Hall

Greetings from VADA, We’re kicking off the new year with all our focus geared towards the 2019 session of the Virginia General Assembly, which rang its bells Wednesday, January 9th.

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A Message From Don Hall

Greetings from VADA, We had a busy November, and December looks to be the same! We kicked off last month with our VADA Board of Directors Meeting at the Commonwealth

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A Message from Don Hall

  Greetings from VADA, Happy fall to each of you.  I hope this newsletter finds you well. As the leaves are changing, know that VADA staff continue to work hard

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11 for ’11

We all hope that 2011 will be a year of solid recovery. Many dealers saw the 2009 expense cuts kick in fully in 2010, leading to a better profit year. 2011 can

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