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Everything You Need to Know to Be a Successful and Competitive Automotive Dealer in Virginia.

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Our future means engaging in industry events

February 13, 2024

Why showing up as a dealer when the industry calls is so important.

Capitol Briefs, Week 5

February 12, 2024

Buy/Sell bills moving forward as safety inspection program gets discussion.

Capitol Briefs, Week 4

February 3, 2024

Buy/Sell bills moving forward as safety inspection program gets discussion.

Capitol Briefs 2024, Week 3

January 26, 2024

Here’s the latest from the frontlines of the Virginia General Assembly.

DMV update: More accountability, more online transactions, with eyes to the cloud

January 25, 2024

The Virginia DMV Commissioner spoke to dealers this week, offering his vision for the agency and an update on its operations.

Capitol Briefs 2024, Week 2

January 22, 2024

Here’s the latest from the frontlines of the Virginia General Assembly.

Twenty-Four for ’24

January 18, 2024

Dealers have always persevered to overcome adversity, and 2024 will not be any different.  Here are twenty-four issues to which you should give attention in 24.

Capitol Briefs 2024, Week 1

January 14, 2024

The Virginia General Assembly gaveled in this week, raising the first Black person to the role of House Speaker. Here’s a look at the early bills we’re monitoring.

Time to Evaluate Corporate Compliance with the Corporate Transparency Act

December 20, 2023

Starting January 1, 2024, the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) will go into effect.