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Data Sharing: An Important Topic for Dealers

November 8, 2019

Our dealers have raised important questions about data sharing – and these data issues have caught the attention of your VADA team as well. From DMS vendors to larger data

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Remember: Your Franchisor Is a Supplier

November 8, 2019

We have written extensively about protecting your dealership when contracting with suppliers. Some dealers may not view their franchisors as suppliers, but they are if programs are offered, not mandated. 

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Franchise Matters You Can Control

November 8, 2019

All dealers want to maintain cordial working relationships with their franchisors. They do not want to antagonize their “partner.” Unfortunately, for franchisors, the “partnership” often lasts only as long as

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Constantly on Guard

October 30, 2019

One significant challenge to dealers is managing employees to steadily and uniformly work to reach your goals. Employees will resist mandated uniform requirements, but ignoring the need for consistent efforts,

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Congratulations to William Farrell, 2020 TIME Dealer of the Year award nominee

October 22, 2019

Time and Ally Financial Honor Roanoke Dealer William Farrell Wins National Recognition for Community Service and Industry Accomplishments at NADA Show (New York, NY, October 21, 2019) – The nomination of

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Virginia Dealers, VADA Attend 2019 NADA Washington, D.C. Conference

October 7, 2019

Several members of our dealer community joined the VADA team last month at the National Automobile Dealers Association’s annual Washington Conference. This two-day event helps educate a national audience of

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Dealers Travel to D.C. to Support Virginia Legislative Black Caucus

October 7, 2019

Late last month, members of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus and the Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland gathered for a shared fundraiser in Washington, D.C. Joining the crowd were Congressman

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Form I-9 Not Really Expiring

October 7, 2019

Form I-9 is an employment eligibility verification document that employers use to confirm an individual’s identity and right to work in the U.S. There have been numerous versions of Form

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Review Your Employee Handbook

October 7, 2019

If you are an employer confused about the federal government’s position on handbook provisions requiring civility and professional behavior by employees in internet and social media posts, you are not

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