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New High-Risk Cybersecurity Threat And Proactive Measures To Ensure Safety

October 17, 2023

October 17, 2023 A security vulnerability that has been discovered in the Chrome Web browser and Apple’s operating systems (MacOS, iOS) was recently discovered. Google has rated this vulnerability at

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Deadline Approaching: Complete Your Inaugural FTC Safeguards Board Report By Year’s End!

October 17, 2023

VADA Partner ComplyAuto offers insights on complying with the FTC Safeguards rule.

Don’t Fear the Future of AI in Automotive

October 17, 2023

Article from VADA Partner ACV Auctions October 17, 2023 From our cars to our houses, technology continues to advance the way we live our lives in a major way. Some

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Smoke in Virginia: Looking ahead at Retail Auto in the Commonwealth

October 12, 2023

Cox economist Jonathan Smoke offers a look at what’s in store in ’24 for U.S. and Virginia dealers.

A new Data Partner: Cross-Sell

October 1, 2023

October 1, 2023 After many years of VADA providing subscription vehicle registration data to Virginia dealers, we have changed the way we provide this information going forward. Cross-Sell, which publishes

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DOL Proposes Rule to Increase Pay for White Collar Workers

September 19, 2023

A proposed federal rule seeks to raise the annual salary threshold for employees who are exempt from overtime pay due to administrative, executive, professional, and outside sales professional exemptions pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). What does this proposed rule mean for dealers?

How Dealers Should Prepare for DOL’s Proposed $55K New Overtime Rule Threshold

September 19, 2023

With DOL’s proposed “white collar” overtime exemption designation, our partners at SESCO Management Consultants outline the steps dealers should – and should not – take to prepare for the final ruling.

The PAC is the way Virginia dealers lead from the front

September 18, 2023

Don Hall discusses the importance of the upcoming November elections and highlights a few of those dealers who have already stepped up to support pro-business, pro-dealer candidates.

The Federal issues impacting Virginia dealers — for better or worse

September 18, 2023

The VADA team attended NADA’s annual Washington Conference, learning about the federal issues that could impact Virginia’s franchised auto dealers. Find them all here, complete with detailed issue papers.