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FTC Focuses On Advertising….Again

July 30, 2023

July 31, 2023 By Barrie Charapp Beaty We have been writing for months about the FTC’s focus on advertising. We write again about advertising because the FTC just updated “Guides

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Consent-by-Registration — What Does it Mean for Your Business

July 30, 2023

July 31, 2023 By Barrie Charapp Beaty Regardless of which state your company is formed, it may be, and is often the case, that it is also registered to do business in

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July 20, 2023

Fresh off his first 100 days in the role, new Virginia DMV Commissioner Gerald Lackey, Ph.D. sits down with VADA for a wide-ranging interview. Meet him in our High Octane podcast.

Investing in your team

July 17, 2023

A winning strategy for your people and your dealership VADA Partner content provided by Zurich, N.A. For more on their F&I programs, contact Cindy Conley Ratkovich. July 2023 Investing in

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A man all-in for the great american auto dealer

July 13, 2023

A Special Message from VADA President and CEO Don Hall July 2023 A few weeks ago, my friend Mike Charapp called me and stated quite directly: “Don, I’m going to

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Don Hall: To achieve EV adoption, D.C. must do more

July 13, 2023

Dealers are putting billions into EVs. But the federal government must create an environment where EVs can thrive. We’re not there yet.

Dealers are all-in on EVs. Is the U.S.?

July 10, 2023

EVs face major hurdles to mass adoption. Last week, the NADA sent a letter to the EPA outlining the need for regulations and moves to ensure affordability, charging infrastructure, utility capacity, battery manufacturing resources, and model availability.

Primary impacts on Virginia dealers

June 28, 2023

After last week’s primary, we have our first look at how the state’s auto dealers may fare come November.

Franchise Renewal Agreements

June 28, 2023

June 28, 2023 By Barrie Charapp Beaty Despite years of preaching on the subject, we still have dealers tell us they must sign their franchise renewal agreements before expiration of

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