January 17, 2025

Fighting for fair pay and greater protections on warranty and recall work
Today marks the 13th day of Virginia’s 2025 legislative session, which will last a total of 45 days. More than 2,000 bills are now making their way through Virginia’s legislative process and VADA’s legislative team is actively tracking more than 50 bills which could impact the Commonwealth’s franchised auto dealers.
VADA lobbyists continue to meet with legislators to advocate for our proposed changes to Virginia’s recall, warranty, and maintenance statute, where we aim to achieve greater protection for fair payment to Virginia’s franchised dealers and their technicians.
Our legislative agenda in 2025 is focused on promoting our proposed changes to Virginia's recall, warranty, and maintenance statute, where we aim to achieve greater protections for fair payment to Virginia's franchised dealers and their technicians. The legislation:
- Prohibits manufacturers from slashing part prices for recall repairs, and allows dealers to return unused parts for those repairs
- Ensures technicians are fairly paid for diagnostic and communication time when working directly with manufacturers
- Allows dealers to request timely reimbursement for extended rental car expenses incurred due to parts delays
Delgate Briana Sewell (D-Prince William) is carrying House Bill 1683, and Senator Jeremy McPike (D-Prince William) is carrying the identical Senate Bill 1308. Virginia's auto dealers thank both of these legislators and their staff for the support.
Be in Richmond on January 29 for Dealer Day at the Capitol!
To emphasize the importance of this legislation, join us to discuss these issues face-to-face with your legislators at Dealer Day at the Capitol on January 29. Sign up now.
Also: Are you one of the 160+ Virginia franchised auto dealers, employees, and technicians who have sent more than 300 letters to their legislators in support of VADA’s proposed changes? If not, join your peers by taking one minute to sign a letter to your legislators telling them to SUPPORT House Bill 1683 and Senate Bill 1308.
Additional Legislation
HB2515 (McClure, D-Arlington) and SB1212 (Pekarsky, D-Fairfax): Virginia Consumer Protection Act prohibited practices; mandatory fees or surcharges disclosure.
These bills would amend the Virginia Consumer Protection Act to make it mandatory for any seller of consumer goods to include all fees in the price in all advertising. We are pleased that the patrons included amendments to exclude auto dealers from the legislation.
VADA's position: This bill would clearly affect retail automotive dealers, which are permitted to charge processing fees, additional charges, and taxes. During last year's session, VADA successfully secured an amendment to the Senate Bill so that it would not impact auto dealers (which remains the case in this year's bill). This exemption was crucial for maintaining fair advertising practices. Last year's legislation ultimately died in a conference committee because the House and Senate could not agree on the bill language.
HB2334 (Batten, R-Williamsburg): Vehicle safety inspections
This bill would revise safety inspection requirements to provide that new vehicle safety inspections are valid for two years. This bill was introduced last year but failed to pass. It includes a delayed effective date; if passed, Virginia would not see any impact until July 2026.
VADA's position: Support
HB2080 (Austin, R- Buchanan) / SB1061 (Diggs, R-York County): Discontinued registration decals
This bill will discontinue the current requirement for vehicle registration license plate decals. SB1061 passed unanimously in the Senate Transportation Committee, and it has been referred to the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee for further consideration. The House bill will be heard by the House Transportation in the next two weeks.
VADA's position: Support