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Compensation for Grounded New Vehicles

June 11, 2014

Are you being compensated by your factory when you must ground new vehicles because of recalls? The National Highway Traffic Safety Act requires a manufacturer or distributor of a new

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Avoid Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Liability

June 11, 2014

The federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is a powerful weapon for a consumer who feels abused by a debt collection agency. The Act contains detailed provisions prohibiting collectors from

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Fair Labor Standards Act Enforcement

May 15, 2014

In this federal election year, you will hear political rallying cries like “income inequality”, “income unfairness”, and “damage to the middle class”.  President Obama has made these themes in his

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Third Party Lead Providers

May 15, 2014

Dealers have given necessary attention to Tesla’s attack on state franchising and licensing laws.  That is not the only threat to their business model that dealers face.  Under the radar,

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FTC Advertising Offensive Continues

April 14, 2014

In January 2014, the Federal Trade Commission stepped up its recent, ongoing regulation of car dealer advertising and announced consent orders with nine dealers. Showing the agency’s nationwide reach, the

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Dealing With False Online Reviews

April 14, 2014

Dealers know better than anyone that consumers increasingly rely on information found online, whether true or not. Bad online reviews hurt. So what can you do about bad reviews you

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Adopt a Fair Credit Compliance Policy

March 11, 2014

It has been nearly a year since the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued its March 2013 bulletin that created an F&I firestorm. It put the financial institutions under CFPB jurisdiction

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Be Careful with Claimant’s Attorneys

March 11, 2014

We have written about myths in the car business – widely-held misbeliefs of dealership personnel about the law. Lawyers representing employees or customers in disputes with dealers have their own

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14 for ’14

February 7, 2014

2013 was a solid year for car dealers. Buyer demand is returning. Factories are producing vehicles customers want. Credit and leasing terms facilitate sales. Barring some unforeseen problems, the strong

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