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NLRB Joint Employer Decision

September 29, 2015

On August 27, 2015, the federal National Labor Relations Board issued a 3-2 decision that the owner/operator of a California-based recycling facility is a “joint employer” for collective bargaining negotiations

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Independent Contractor or Employee?

September 29, 2015

We have written often about the federal government’s push for businesses to consider their workers as employees rather than independent contractors. Recent developments show there is no hotter personnel button

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Federal Government Update

August 26, 2015

“WE’RE FROM THE GOVERNMENT … AND WE CONTINUE TO HELP!” Employee versus Independent Contractor We have written frequently about classifying workers as independent contractors. The government wants people who work

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Limiting F&I Income

August 26, 2015

You have probably read about the consent order between the federal government and American Honda Finance Corp. AHFC agreed to repay $24 million to minority buyers to settle a Department

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Manufacturer Construction Deadlines

July 29, 2015

Your dealership has had several good years. You decide it is time for the facility upgrades the manufacturer has been pressuring you to do. You seek approval from the manufacturer

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Terminate an Employee for Coarse Language? Not If You Tolerate it in the Workplace!

July 29, 2015

The federal National Labor Relations Board has recently shown that it will go to great lengths to protect communications of workers concerning employment conditions. The Board has repeatedly emphasized that

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Employment Practices: Q & A – Answer Sheet

May 26, 2015

Answer 1: False. The purpose of the NLRB is not just to regulate the relationship between employers and unions. The NLRB has been increasingly active in taking action against non-union

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Employment Practices: Q & A

May 26, 2015

As in many car business matters, answers to questions personnel may have about employment matters may not be easy. Here are questions whose answers may surprise you. You can find

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The FTC’s Shot Across the Bow

April 28, 2015

On March 26, 2015, the Federal Trade Commission had a major press conference to announce six new motor vehicle sales cases. The FTC took the occasion for a press splash

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