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Swift success comes with strategy — and playing hard until we win

January 24, 2023

A Message from VADA President and CEO Don Hall January 2023 Speaking in the House of Delegates last week, Del. Bill Wiley of Winchester paused to recognize two longtime Virginia

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Capitol Briefs 2023 | Issue 2

January 23, 2023

Unanimous, bipartisan support for franchise bills Note: Both the House and Senate versions of VADA’s franchise protection bills passed the full chambers with unanimous support on January 25. We will

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Dealertrack: Work smarter in the New Year with Reg & Title Solutions

January 19, 2023

Jan. 19, 2023   Resolve to trim the waste with a suite of electronic solutions Oh, New Year resolutions. They come, they go, they’re forgotten a week later, or they

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Twenty-Three for ‘23

January 16, 2023

Jan. 16, 2023 By Michael G. Charapp Charapp & Weiss LLP   “Just let us sell cars” is a philosophy that many dealers share. As the world struggled to get

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Capitol Briefs 2023 | Issue 1

January 16, 2023

Start of session and introduction of VADA’s groundbreaking Franchise Protection Bills 2023 Session, Issue 1 January 16, 2023 Before we start, if you have not taken one minute to sign

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A Year-End Drive, A Short Break, And a Big ’23 Ahead

December 16, 2022

A Message from VADA President and CEO Don Hall December 2022 As we reach the holidays, as I have encouraged staff, my hope is that you will all take time

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The Independent Contractor Rule

December 15, 2022

Dec. 15, 2022 By Michael G. Charapp Charapp & Weiss LLP   Whether to characterize workers as employees or independent contractors has been highly politicized for some time. When Democrats

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Are You Displaying the Correct Poster?

December 15, 2022

Dec. 15, 2022 By Michael G. CharappCharapp & Weiss LLP   On October 20, 2022, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) published a new poster entitled “Know Your Rights.” This

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Franchise Laws are not Self-Enforcing

December 15, 2022

Dec. 15, 2022 By Michael G. Charapp Charapp & Weiss LLP   Dealers and their trade associations have expended substantial efforts to pass franchise laws protecting dealers’ rights. Those laws

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