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Everything You Need to Know to Be a Successful and Competitive Automotive Dealer in Virginia.

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A Message from Don Hall

April 8, 2020

April 2020   To say we’re living in unprecedented times is an understatement. Things are changing by the week, by the day, sometimes even by the hour. What you need

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Rising to Today’s Challenges

April 8, 2020

For more than a century, franchised auto dealerships have met various challenges to serve the transportation needs of their communities. One of the current challenges for franchised dealers everywhere is

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Survey Shows ‘Extreme’ Impact of COVID-19

April 8, 2020

Our latest dealer survey, conducted in late March, shows that every one of your businesses has been impacted by the coronavirus outbreak — with nearly 75% reporting the impact as

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Digital Updates and Used Vehicle Inventory

April 8, 2020

Dealers have a new concern about the used vehicles they buy or take in trade – digital updates that disable vehicle functions. You buy a vehicle with the latest tech,

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April 8, 2020

Dealers have become accustomed to having large amounts of franchisor money at stake in day to day operations. Historically, warranty and recall repairs have generated substantial monthly claims. While the

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Department of Defense Withdraws Position on Military Lending Act

April 8, 2020

By now, you have probably heard that on Feb. 28, 2020 the Department of Defense granted a petition from the National Automobile Dealers Association to withdraw its 2017 interpretation of

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Coronavirus and Hackers

April 8, 2020

We often warn that digital fraud is a growing threat to dealers. The coronavirus gives hackers and scammers an opportunity to show there is no depth too low for them

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Prevent Software Bounty Hunting

March 9, 2020

One day you receive a letter inquiring about the software on your business computers. It starts politely. The Business Software Alliance invites you to do an audit and report the results

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Feds Issue New I-9

March 9, 2020

For months, we have been advising you to use the expired Form I-9 to verify employee identity and authorization to work while the government finalizes a revised form. The government

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