
Capitol Briefs 2023 | Issue 4

At Crossover, a look at where dealer bills stand 2023 Session, Issue 4 February 6, 2023 This week is the halfway point of the General Assembly and known as “Crossover,”

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Capitol Briefs 2023 | Issue 1

Start of session and introduction of VADA’s groundbreaking Franchise Protection Bills 2023 Session, Issue 1 January 16, 2023 Before we start, if you have not taken one minute to sign

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Capitol Briefs 2022 | Issue 8

Warranty/recall bill and overtime legislation are on the road to the governor’s desk Session 2022, Issue 8 March 7, 2022 LISTEN to this week’s Capitol Briefs, featuring VADA VP of

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Capitol Briefs 2022 | Issue 5

Work continues on Warranty/Recall Fair Reimbursement legislation Session 2022, Issue 5 February 14, 2022 Greetings from VADA, “Crossover” day, tomorrow (Tuesday), is the deadline for each General Assembly chamber to

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Capitol Briefs 2022 | Issue 2

The General Assembly gets rolling as Youngkin lays out legislative priorities Session 2022, Issue 2 January 24, 2022   The 2022 60-day session has begun and newly-elected Governor Glenn Youngkin

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Twenty Two for ’22

January 2022 By Michael G. Charapp Charapp & Weiss LLP At the end of our article last year on Twenty One issues for ’21, we wished for motor vehicle dealers

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