
Allied Member Profile: Dealer Focus

Cost-effective inbound/outbound virtual service BDC Dealer Focus is a VADA Allied Member. These are businesses with a product or service offering of interest to member dealers. If you are interested

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A Message from Don Hall

A tribute to Senator John Warner, an advocate for dealers And a warm welcome to our in-person convention June 2021 Many years ago, we hosted a meet-and-greet luncheon on Capitol

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A Message from Don Hall

Key overtime win highlights importance of Electric Election campaign Our summer PAC campaign continues August 2021 In an election as vital as Virginia’s in 2021, you cannot be without a

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Message from Don Hall

Delivering legislative wins requires more than hard work The upcoming election season also requires an investment in our future February 2022 As you know, a record month takes work. Sales

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A Message from Don Hall

Join our fight in advocating for our industry  Use VADA’s new Action Center to weigh in on issues impacting your business January 2022 The General Assembly is underway, and your

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