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Assault the Hill 2019

January 23, 2019

President & CEO, Don Hall, leading the legislative briefing alongside Rick Gallaer, Legislative Chairman On Thursday, January 17th, our dealers traveled across the Commonwealth and gathered together in Richmond for

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VADA Attends HRADA Annual Meeting

January 10, 2019

Last month, Don Hall and members of the VADA Team traveled to the Hampton Roads Convention Center to give the members of the Hampton Roads Auto Dealers Association a preview

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A Message from Don Hall

January 9, 2019

Greetings from VADA, We’re kicking off the new year with all our focus geared towards the 2019 session of the Virginia General Assembly, which rang its bells Wednesday, January 9th.

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Form I-9 Self Audits

January 9, 2019

We have been writing about Form I-9 compliance by car dealers for good reason. The controversy over federal immigration laws continues to be red hot. The aspect of immigration enforcement

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Dangers of Powerbooking

January 9, 2019

Every dealer knows about powerbooking. It is a practice, particularly regarding used cars, of overstating the model or equipment on a vehicle. The purpose of powerbooking is to increase the

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You’ve Been Sued! Who Pays?

January 9, 2019

Every dealer, at some point, gets sued.  Whether it is an unhappy customer or employee, or a simple slip and fall or a vehicle accident, no lawsuit is painless.  You

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2019 NADA Reception

December 4, 2018

VADA/MADA/WANADA Reception at the 2019 NADA Show     Friday, January 25th, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Terra Gallery 511 Harrison Street San Francisco, Calif. 94105 Sponsored by:

All Employers Are Required to Display Federal and State Postings

December 3, 2018

All employers are required to post certain federal and state postings. On a federal level, if an employer has less than 50 employees, they are required to post 5 notices:

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OEM Performance Challenges

December 3, 2018

For years, your manufacturer has sent you regular reminders that your sales efficiency is below 100%. That has come with separate letters that your CSI is also less than 100%.

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