Everything You Need to Know to Be a Successful and Competitive Automotive Dealer in Virginia.
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Key Developments Affecting the Availability of Tax-based Incentives for EVs in 2025
Dealers with EVs in their current inventories should be aware of recent developments that could have an impact on the availability of federal tax-based EV lease and sales incentives in 2025.
VADA LIVE: Meet Bruce McGeorge, VADA General Manager
In this episode of VADA Live, host Dan Carrigan sits down with Bruce McGeorge, VADA’s new general manager, to discuss his impressive journey to VADA.
Water Delay: Capitol Briefs 2025, Week 1
The Virginia General Assembly gaveled in this week..then immediately went home due to city water issues. Still, the work continues.
The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) filing requirements were reinstated by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals on December 23, 2024.
Barrie: Effective Compliance Programs are Essential to Dealership Operations
Gone are the days of asking whether you have a compliance program because they are essential to dealership operations. The question is now whether your compliance programs on fair lending and voluntary programs practices are effective.
Barrie: Texas Federal Courts Saving Small Businesses from Regulation One Case at a Time
On December 3, 2024, the Court in Texas Top Cop Shop, Inc., et al. v. Garland, et al. granted the National Federation of Independent Business’s (NFIB) request for a preliminary injunction, which has a nationwide impact.
Barrie: Now Is The Time to Review Indirect Finance and Lease Agreements
In an economy where inventory is high, vehicles are sitting on floorplan, and customer credit is not as easily accessible, Dealers need to know where they stand with their creditors just as much.
Barrie: Volkswagen’s Request to Dealers on MSRP
At the end of November, Volkswagen dealers received a special message from Volkswagen regarding the ID. Buzz.
VADA LIVE: Elevating Customer Experience with Kayla Kody and Jake Sodikoff
In this episode of VADA Live, host Dan Carrigan dives into one of the most critical drivers of dealership success: customer service. Joining the conversation are Kayla Kody, vice president