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12 for ’12

December 23, 2013

2011 was a better year for car dealers, and dealers hope that business will improve in 2012.  Despite continuing weakness in the general economy, customers are making their way to

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Health Care Reform Update 2013

December 23, 2013

Required Notices to Employees and Dependents  Please contact your carrier or employment law attorney or trusted benefit advisor if you have questions about these notices. VADA Insurance is here to

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Regulatory Updates

December 23, 2013

VADA Navigates the Virginia Regulatory Maze for Virginia Dealers VADA is involved in many types of issues outside the legislative process that could have negative impacts on our dealer members.

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Government Shortcuts

December 23, 2013

Federal Update   • The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has issued regulations revising the summary of Consumer Rights Form that must be used by employers who do background checks. Under

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Advertising and the Feds

December 23, 2013

You have probably been reading a lot lately about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Its regulation of the companies that provide financing and leasing for your customers will have

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Lucky 13 in ’13

December 23, 2013

Oh, what a difference a few years make.  In late 2008, many auto pundits lamented that we might never again see sixteen million annual new vehicle sales.  Proving that their

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Trust but Verify

December 23, 2013

When asked for the one piece of advice to give to a dealer on franchise relations, President Ronald Reagan’s often repeated phrase that characterized his relations with the Soviet Union

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Get Ready for Tax Changes on July 1st

June 10, 2013

VADA will be conducting its annual Legislative and Legal Update webinar on Tuesday, June 11th from 11:00 am until 1:00 PM covering issues such as the comprehensive bill to increase transportation revenue.

Preapproval of Dealership Changes in Virginia

June 10, 2013

Learn the advantages and disadvantages of having “skin in the game” – an ownership interest in the dealership that enhances the senior manager’s rewards and risks.