
Reporting Severe Injuries to OSHA

As of January 1, 2015, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to notify it of all work-related fatalities, inpatient hospitalizations of one or more employees, amputations, and

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16 Thoughts for 2016

2015 was the best year for the motor vehicle industry since the recession of 2008-2009. Vehicle sales volume should stay solid through 2016. Unfortunately, major forces can choke robust business

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Hidden Triggers

As if more evidence is needed that dealers must give attention to FTC requirements to avoid a consent order, a company with three Kia dealerships in the southwest just agreed

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So You Think You Know?

Occasionally, we discuss car business things that “everybody knows”. But are they true? Here is a quiz on issues that we hear from dealership personnel “everybody knows”. True or False.

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FTC Bears its Teeth

For several years, we have been reminding you that the Federal Trade Commission is a federal agency about which dealers should be particularly concerned. When the Dodd Frank financial reform

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Spot Delivery Quiz Answers

False. Under common law, once the dealer and the customer sign an agreement for sale of a vehicle, including a retail installment sale contract or a lease, the transaction is

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