Legal & Legislative

Barrie: It’s Time to Use a Microscope to Examine Your Advertisements

Consumers form their first impressions of dealers through advertisements. Majority of a dealers advertise through the internet, allowing dealers’ the ability to change and update their advertising in real time, several times a day. Advertising compliance is critical for not only federal and state regulators but consumers.

Barrie: NLRB’s Expanded Joint-Employer Rule in Action

Now that courts have begun to use this rule to classify management companies as joint employers, dealer groups that operate under a common management company must be aware that their liability exposure is significantly increased.

Barrie: It’s Time to Prep for Cyberattacks

What happened to CDK is not unique to CDK, and it happens to large and small companies on a daily basis. For those reasons, we write this article to identify steps you can take to be ready for the next cyberattack.