Fresh off his first 100 days in the role, new Virginia DMV Commissioner Gerald Lackey, Ph.D. sits down with VADA for a wide-ranging interview. Meet him in our High Octane podcast.
Randy Barone with our partner ACV Auctions discusses the top concerns, areas of confusion, and opportunities when it comes to finding, turning, and profiting from used vehicle inventory.
With elections over, dealers have an obligation: Educate and support.
Don Hall discusses the importance of reaching across the aisle and taking a bi-partisan approach to ensuring our elected officials understand the ideals and values of the franchise system.
A look at where we’ll be in 2024
VADA’s president and CEO offers a preview of the issues we’re monitoring for the coming year.
Hall heeds call to go West, young man
If you haven’t spent much time in Southwest Virginia, you’re missing out — and overlooking a magnificent and important part of the Commonwealth.
Why Transparency is Name of the Game
Ensuring a transparent customer experience is the only way to ensure a future for your retail auto operation.
Amid uncertainty, dealers find a way
What is unique about the auto industry is that regardless of what the bank rate is, or what the credit environment looks like, or what consumer sentiment surveys say, dealers always find a way to sell a car at a fair price.
Don Hall: To achieve EV adoption, D.C. must do more
Dealers are putting billions into EVs. But the federal government must create an environment where EVs can thrive. We’re not there yet.
Primary impacts on Virginia dealers
After last week’s primary, we have our first look at how the state’s auto dealers may fare come November.
Dealers are all-in on EVs. Is the U.S.?
EVs face major hurdles to mass adoption. Last week, the NADA sent a letter to the EPA outlining the need for regulations and moves to ensure affordability, charging infrastructure, utility capacity, battery manufacturing resources, and model availability.