Special license plates commemorating the 2019 NCAA Championship UVA men’s basketball team are available as dealer tags. We appreciate Commissioner Holcomb for assisting in making these available to our dealers.

Want a tag? Here is what you need to do.
Submit a form DSD-9A. Click here for a sample form that is highlighted to mark the information required for your UVA men’s basketball commemorative plates.
For future reference, a completely blank version of this document also is available through the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board website.
The cost of the tag is $100 for the promotional plate plus a $10 reserve fee. In addition, a dealer will pay the pro-rated annual cost of a dealer tag. Dealer Board staff will contact the dealer to arrange payment once the application is received.
For any dealer who currently has the maximum allotment of dealer tags, an existing dealer tag will have to be surrendered and replaced by the UVA tag.
Please be patient!
Because this is a new process, we have been working with the Dealer Board to ensure these tags can be issued easily. But there may still be a few kinks in the system, so we ask for your patience.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
Anne Gambardella, Esq.
(804) 545-3006
Tommy Lukish, Esq.
(804) 545-3028