
Are you EMV Compliant?

On October 1, 2015, changes in a retailer’s liability for fraudulent credit card use will go into effect. Credit card issuers will reserve the right to shift liability for fraudulent

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NLRB Joint Employer Decision

On August 27, 2015, the federal National Labor Relations Board issued a 3-2 decision that the owner/operator of a California-based recycling facility is a “joint employer” for collective bargaining negotiations

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Independent Contractor or Employee?

We have written often about the federal government’s push for businesses to consider their workers as employees rather than independent contractors. Recent developments show there is no hotter personnel button

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Limiting F&I Income

You have probably read about the consent order between the federal government and American Honda Finance Corp. AHFC agreed to repay $24 million to minority buyers to settle a Department

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Compliance Triage

Dictionary.com defines “triage” as “the determination of priorities for action in an emergency.” If you are a dealer who believes that you are facing more compliance challenges than ever, you

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Damage to New Vehicles Procedure

Virginia Code 46.2-1571 governs the procedure for damage to new vehicles as follows: D. On any new motor vehicle, any uncorrected damage or any corrected damage exceeding three percent of

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Short Cuts

New I-9 Form Dealers know that their packages for new hires must include an I-9 Form to verify the identity and eligibility of employees hired. The supplies of forms that

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