Legal & Legislative

Barrie: It’s Time to Use a Microscope to Examine Your Advertisements

Consumers form their first impressions of dealers through advertisements. Majority of a dealers advertise through the internet, allowing dealers’ the ability to change and update their advertising in real time, several times a day. Advertising compliance is critical for not only federal and state regulators but consumers.

Barrie: NLRB’s Expanded Joint-Employer Rule in Action

Now that courts have begun to use this rule to classify management companies as joint employers, dealer groups that operate under a common management company must be aware that their liability exposure is significantly increased.

Barrie: It’s Time to Prep for Cyberattacks

What happened to CDK is not unique to CDK, and it happens to large and small companies on a daily basis. For those reasons, we write this article to identify steps you can take to be ready for the next cyberattack.

Reminder: Franchise Items That You Can Control

While you cannot control some matters, like the standard terms of your dealer sales and service agreement, there are some issues to which you can give attention protect your rights with your franchisor.