September 2, 2021

In the ever-shifting recommendations and regulations surrounding COVID-19, we have been getting questions about mask requirements for dealership employees. The Virginia Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) has updated its guidance again as it relates to mask requirements for employees:
1. MASKS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL EMPLOYEES IN REGIONS OF HIGH OR SUBSTANTIAL TRANSMISSION. That includes ALL of Virginia now. Here is a link to the map showing transmission rates for your community.
2. Vaccinated employees are no longer required to wear masks where virus transmission remains low. But for now, there are no localities in Virginia with low transmission.
3. Unvaccinated employees must continue to wear masks under all levels of transmission.
Please use this mask signage to comply with the new guidance. You can also click on the image of the sign on the left side of this post to open a downloadable and printable PDF (8.5x11).