Over the last several months, dealers have experienced thefts at both dealerships and dealer-owned storage facilities. Whether these events are related is to be determined.
While we understand the majority of these instances have occurred in Northern Virginia, we know theft is not limited to any one region. No matter your location in the Commonwealth, please be mindful of security at your stores and other property, and consider a plan of action should theft hit your business.
Partnering with Virginia State Police
A value of working with State Police is the agency’s Help Eliminate Auto Theft (“HEAT”) Program, which has ample resources to help dealers with theft.
We are grateful for State Police, and the HEAT Program in particular, for working with and facilitating a December 4 meeting with VADA to discuss dealership theft. A registration link to sign up for this special event is below.
This meeting will occur in Northern Virginia. The exact location will depend on dealer interest and participation, so please let us know if you wish to attend this event. Stay tuned for further details.