Hireology: Build a Cyber-Secure Future Through Your Hiring Practices

August 2, 2024


The automotive industry is undergoing a rapid digital transformation. From inventory management to customer relationship management, technology is the backbone of modern dealerships. However, with increased reliance on digital systems comes heightened cybersecurity risks. 

By safeguarding your dealership’s digital infrastructure and attracting top-tier talent with a strong security focus, you can not only protect your business but also position yourself as a leader in an increasingly competitive market. VADA partner Hireology put out a great blog post on the intersection of cybersecurity and hiring practices, and why baking best practices into your hiring decisions and onboarding, your dealership can be more resilient, less risk-prone, and a company of choice when candidates think of you.

The Impact of CDK Global’s Cyber Incident

The recent cyber incident at CDK Global sent shockwaves through the auto dealership industry. With systems down and operations halted, it highlighted how vulnerable dealerships could be to cyber threats. This incident serves as a stark reminder to review and reinforce your own cybersecurity measures. It’s not just about protecting data; it’s about maintaining trust with your employees and customers.

Why Cybersecurity Matters for Dealerships

Cybersecurity is not just an IT concern; it’s a business imperative. Dealerships handle vast amounts of sensitive data, from customer information to financial details. A breach can lead to severe consequences, including financial losses and reputational damage. By prioritizing cybersecurity, you protect your assets, build trust with your customers, and create a safe working environment for your employees.

Integrating Security into Employment Branding

Employment branding is how you market your dealership as a desirable workplace. By incorporating security into your employment branding, you demonstrate to potential hires that you take their data and well-being seriously. This can be a significant differentiator in attracting top talent, especially in an industry where trust and reliability are paramount.

Crafting Interview Questions to Assess Security Awareness

When interviewing potential employees, it’s crucial to assess their awareness and understanding of cybersecurity. Ask questions such as:

  • How do you handle confidential information?
  • Can you describe a time when you identified and reported a security threat?
  • What steps would you take to ensure data security in your role?

These questions help gauge a candidate’s ability to contribute to a secure working environment.

Onboarding and Security Training

Onboarding is the perfect time to instill the importance of cybersecurity in your hiring procedures. Make sure your onboarding process includes comprehensive security training. Cover topics such as password management, recognizing phishing attempts, and the proper handling of sensitive information. This early training ensures that new employees are aware of security protocols from day one.

Continuous Security Training for All Employees

Security training shouldn’t stop after onboarding. Regular training sessions and updates are essential to keep all employees informed about the latest threats and best practices. Consider implementing quarterly training sessions and sending out regular newsletters with tips and updates on cybersecurity.

Leveraging Security in Job Descriptions

When advertising job openings, highlight your dealership’s commitment to cybersecurity in your job descriptions. When describing your dealership, mention any advanced security measures you have in place and how they contribute to a safe and secure working environment. This not only attracts candidates who value security but also sets the tone for the importance of cybersecurity within your organization.

Showcasing Employee Benefits

Security should be part of your employee benefits package. Offer incentives such as cybersecurity training and certifications. This not only enhances your dealership’s security but also provides valuable skills for employees.

Building a Culture of Security

Creating a culture of security means making it a core part of your dealership’s values and practices. Encourage employees to report suspicious activity and reward proactive behavior. Use team meetings and internal communications to reinforce the importance of security and keep it top of mind for everyone.

Attracting Top Talent from Other Industries

The tech industry is currently experiencing a rightsizing of employment numbers, making it a prime time to attract talent from this sector. Highlight how your dealership uses cutting-edge technology and prioritizes cybersecurity. This can be a significant lure for tech-savvy professionals looking for new opportunities.

Transitioning from Dealer Security to Employee Security

Protecting Employee Data

Employee data is just as important as customer data. Implement measures to protect personal information, such as secure storage and restricted access. This builds trust and demonstrates your dealership’s commitment to security.

Ensuring a Safe Work Environment

A safe work environment extends beyond physical safety. Ensure your cybersecurity measures protect employees from online threats, such as phishing attacks and data breaches. This fosters a secure and productive workplace.

Encouraging Employee Involvement in Security Practices

Encourage employees to take an active role in maintaining cybersecurity. Create opportunities for them to report potential threats and suggest improvements to security protocols. This collaborative approach strengthens your dealership’s security posture.


Your dealership can truly excel at the intersection of employment branding and cybersecurity. By prioritizing security in every aspect of your operations, from hiring procedures to daily practices, you build a resilient and attractive workplace. This not only protects your dealership but also positions you as a leader in the industry. Start integrating these hiring practices today and secure a brighter future for your business.

Contact VADA’s Hireology representative Tiffany Czerwinski at tczerwinski@hireology.com to learn more, or visit hireology.com.