The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has implemented a free internet search tool ( to determine whether vehicles have been recalled but not repaired. The recall information through the VIN search tool is supposed to be provided to NHTSA by a manufacturer conducting a recall.
At, the public may check the status of recalls under the “Recalls Look-up by VIN” section by entering the VIN number of the vehicle. NHTSA claims that the site will report whether the vehicle has not been repaired as part of a safety recall in the last 15 years. Once A VIN is submitted, the site is supposed to provide: year of vehicle, make and model of vehicle, and number of open recalls.
According to NHTSA the website provides:
- Safety recalls that are incomplete on a vehicle
- Safety recalls conducted over the past 15 calendar years
- Safety recalls conducted by major light auto automakers, including motorcycle manufacturers.
NHTSA’s search tool does not provide:
- Completed safety recall information
- Manufacturer customer service or other non-safety recall campaigns
- Recently announced safety recalls for which not all VINs have been identified
- Safety recalls that are over 15 years old, except if a manufacturer offers more coverage
- Safety recalls conducted by small vehicle manufacturers, including some ultra-luxury brands and specialty applications
The search tool is available for vehicles produced by all major manufacturers. NHTSA requires that manufacturers also provide the same internet search capabilities, using a vehicle’s VIN, on the manufacturer’s website.
For some time, we have emphasized that it is a best practice for dealers is to review the recall history of used-vehicles of a line-make they sell as new. However, with this new capability, dealers can search the recall history for practically any used vehicle they sell. It is now a best practice for a dealer to check recall history of any used car it sells on
What is the downside of failing to search the used cars you sell? A plaintiff’s attorney may claim that a buyer’s vehicle was in an accident because of a defect not discovered by the dealer when it easily could have done so on the new site. This new capability provides a litigation tool for plaintiffs’ attorneys representing injured used vehicle buyers.
What is the upside of checking the site? There are several.
- A dealer that searches the site to determine open recalls and remedy those can provide assurance to its customers that all recalls have been handled on a vehicle. In a year where the public has seen a record number of recalls, that can be a strong selling point to customers who may be concerned because of story after story on recalls.
- For vehicles of the brand the dealer sells, the service department can do the work to handle the recall.
- For used vehicles of a brand the dealer does not sell as new, the open recall could lead to work for the service department at an affiliated dealership.
- Handling open recalls or assuring there are no open recalls, and maintaining records of those results, will provide proof there were no open recalls at the time of sale in a lawsuit by an injured customer.