February 24, 2025

Capitol Briefs 2025, Week 7
The 2025 Virginia General Assembly adjourned on Saturday — an occasion known as “Sine Die” — and with it, VADA’s priority legislation, which passed through the House and Senate unanimously, heads to Gov. Glenn Youngkin's desk for his signature.
Dealers should look forward to:
- OEMs no longer having the ability to challenge warranty rates based on their definition of “reasonableness”
- Protection from decreases in markup on recall and recall-like repair parts
- the ability to return unused recall parts
- strengthened protection for payment for diagnostic repair time; and,
- the right to full reimbursement for rental vehicles within 30 days, regardless of the vehicle’s make or model.
Here's the details of that legislation, should you need a refresher or primer.
We thank Del. Briana Sewell (D-Prince William) for carrying HB1683, and Sen. Jeremy McPike (D-Prince William) for serving as patron to the identical SB1308. And of course, we thank the more than 100 dealers and auto techs who attended our Dealer Day on Jan. 29 to advocate for this important legislation.
In other legislative news
Among the more contentious bills in the 2025 session was legislation that would have removed the Virginia car tax (it was defeated), as well as legislation to permit a casino in Northern Virginia (which was tabled). A bill passed that will increase Virginia’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2027.
On the budget
Legislators also made changes to the two-year Virginia budget that will provide a one-time rebate to taxpayers, an increase in the standard income tax deduction, bonuses for teachers and state employees, and increases in state education funding. The revised budget includes funding for the Electric Vehicle Rural Infrastructure Fund, which will assist in funding electric vehicle charging stations in eligible localities. However, legislators anticipate reconvening in coming months to further rework the budget, considering potential cuts to federal funding.
The Governor has until March 24 to consider legislation passed by the General Assembly. He can sign, amend, or veto, and VADA will continue to work to ensure his signature on our legislation.
Additional VADA-Tracked Legislation
HB2659 (Milde, R-Stafford): Buyer's Orders.
This legislation would permit, but not require, dealers to use a separate Buyer's Order for a lease transaction that includes terms and language more appropriate to a lease transaction.
VADA's Position: The VADA asked Del. Paul Milde (R-Stafford) to carry this bill, and we are in full support.
The latest: Passed.
HB2515 (McClure, D-Arlington) and SB1212 (Pekarsky, D-Fairfax): Virginia Consumer Protection Act prohibited practices; mandatory fees or surcharges disclosure
These bills would amend the Virginia Consumer Protection Act to make it mandatory for any seller of consumer goods to include all fees in the price in all advertising. We are pleased that the patrons included amendments to exclude auto dealers from the legislation.
VADA's position: During last year's session, VADA successfully secured an amendment to the Senate Bill so that it would not impact auto dealers. This exemption was crucial for maintaining fair advertising practices. Last year's legislation ultimately died in a conference committee because the House and Senate could not agree on the bill language. We are happy to announce that the current language in this year’s bills includes an exemption for auto dealers.
The latest: Passed.
HB2334 (Batten, R-Williamsburg): Vehicle safety inspections
This bill would revise safety inspection requirements to provide that new vehicle safety inspections are valid for two years. This bill was introduced last year but failed to pass. It includes a delayed effective date; if passed, Virginia would not see any impact until July 2026.
VADA's position: Support
The latest: The bill died in the House Highway Safety Subcommittee.
HB2080 (Austin, R- Buchanan) / SB1061 (Diggs, R-York County): Discontinued registration decals
This bill will discontinue the current requirement for vehicle registration license plate decals.
VADA's position: Support
The latest: Both bills died in the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee.