Welcome to VADA ’24

I welcome our members and supporters of Virginia’s franchised automotive dealer community to Isle of Palms for our 2024 Annual Convention.

Challenges. Change. Transparency. All three serve as the backdrop this year. As our industry continues to evolve, it's essential to embrace headwinds and strive for continuous improvement in ourselves, our people, and our operations.

The Convention provides us with a unique opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to these principles. Virginia dealers lead from the front, but to do that, we must evolve in a way that creates a joyful experience for those who buy from us and work for us. Use your time here to share insights, learn from each other's experiences, and help us collectively chart a course forward.

To foster these discussions, we've assembled an impressive lineup of speakers who bring diverse insights to the table. We’re also honored to have leaders from Virginia's legislative landscape, like DMV Commissioner Gerald Lackey and Attorney General Jason Miyares. Dr. Lackey is a highly intelligent, committed professional who believes in our dealer body and brings a wealth of operational experience to the public sector. Attorney General Miyares will share insights you won’t get anywhere else regarding the California zero-emissions vehicle mandate in Virginia. And as always, you’ll have plenty of time to have fun with family and friends.

Our convention would not be possible without the support of a record number of sponsors, including Headliners Cox Automotive and Dealertrack. We’re fortunate to have so many supporters on the beach with us, and I ask everyone to take time to visit your Exhibitors, thank them for their commitment to Virginia dealers, and listen to what they can bring to the table.

At the end of the day, this convention comes down to two things: Continuous improvement to deliver satisfaction to those who buy vehicles from you, and creating a great working experience for those on your sales and service teams who look to leaders like you for a fulfilling career.

Enjoy the convention. Learn and have some fun. We’re glad you’re here.

Don Hall
President & CEO
Virginia Automobile Dealers Association